Friday, October 01, 2004

By Way of A Rebuttal

So I keep reading and keep hearing statements to the effect that if Rich Liberals have such a problem with the regressive tax code, they should volunteer to make up the difference themselves, and stop trying to force "the rest of us" to. I also hear the plaint that "we in the red states think people should help themselves."

Well, bootstrappers, after having seen this chart I have a modest proposal for you. You lobby your state government to refuse any and all federal money for anything at all, and I'll write my congressperson and senator and ask that they make sure no one in your state pays any federal taxes. Just remember, your state has to refuse all federal funding of any kind - including having defense contractors located in your states - and basically get your hands out of my pockets, and I'll do my damdest to make sure you never have to pay a red cent to the federal government again. Deal?