Friday, February 18, 2005


Bush just nominated John Negroponte as Intel Chief. Baltimoreans might remember an exposé in the Sun 10 years ago about Negroponte's questionable activities as U.S. Ambassador to Honduras in the 1980s.

We have to draw a line in the sand. Bush is surrounding himself with yes men and women who have a history of duplicity, blind loyalty, and little respect for human rights. He didn't want the 9/11 committee, and when he caved he wanted Kissinger to lead it. He is moving the federal government farther and farther away from the people by manipulating the press, and each appointee he names has a higher index of depravity than the last. I am truly afraid of what will happen if the Republicans win enough seats in 2006. And then there is the Supreme Court.

This is a very powerful government, and it has absolutely no scruples.

Gonzales got through. Negroponte must not. E-mail your senators now. Here's the info for Marylanders.

Paul Sarbanes
Phone: 202-224-4524

Barbara Mikulski
: 202-224-4654

Update(from jay):The Nation's David Corn has a post with more details on Mr. Negroponte's previous exploits on behalf of "democracy promotion" in the 1980's. It references and quotes from the Sun series DI mentions.

Update II(from jay again): Cooper has a few more, erm, comments on the nomination.